$5.00 Content | Free Short Sale Marketing | | Free Real Estate Marketing
?This is one of the simple ones that is straight out of my seminars?
$5.00 testimonials or a script you created ?for you to use as content on your site or in your emails?
?Search? for ?testimonial?
Click ?rating?, that will place the highest rated testimonial people at the top of the page?
Hire them!
You will get an email after you pay your $5.00 asking for further action.
Send them your script or a testimonial that a client has sent you:
Here is the basic script and you have permission to ?embellish? and expand upon it? you can visit?www.defaultadvocate.org
script: I was considering a loan modification, I had talked to the bank about saving my home when I missed 3 payments?
It was a very difficult time for my family and I was desperate to stay in my home, I really didn?t know what my options were?
I thought about contact a real estate agent for advice, but I just didn?t really trust them and blamed my real estate agent for the situation I was in?
I had talk to my bank and they sent me over the paperwork for a loan modification, they were requesting LOTS of information about my assets, pay stubs, bank statements, tax returns? everything.
I was really scared to send ALL of that information to my bank?
SO, I went online to find help?
I found a ?default advocate? who specializes in helping homeowners when they miss a payment?
My advocate took the time to educate me about the bank and that they were simply trying to get my information so they could collect more money?
My advocate told me that most loan modification wind up back in default AND almost EVERY ?trial? loan modification winds up in foreclosure?
I wound up doing a short sale thanks to my ?default advocate? and I am working on restoring my credit, thanks to my ?advocate? I have learned that in just a few years I will be eligible to buy again!
It was scary not knowing what to do, it was even scarier making the decision to sell my home as a short sale? Thanks to my CERTIFIED DEFAULT ADVOCATE, my life, my families happiness is back on track!
Wait for the results?
$5.00 Content | Free Short Sale Marketing | | Free Real Estate Marketing
Lee Honish
CLICK HERE for MONSTER information
If you cannot afford my program, please let me know how I can help you? there is always a way to make it work!
www.google.com www.yahoo.com www.bing.com for more information on Lee Honish or short sales
$5.00 Content | Free Short Sale Marketing | | Free Real Estate Marketing
$5.00 Content | Free Short Sale Marketing | | Free Real Estate Marketing
$5.00 Content | Free Short Sale Marketing | | Free Real Estate Marketing
$5.00 Content | Free Short Sale Marketing | | Free Real Estate Marketing
$5.00 Content | Free Short Sale Marketing | | Free Real Estate Marketing
$5.00 Content | Free Short Sale Marketing | | Free Real Estate Marketing
$5.00 Content | Free Short Sale Marketing | | Free Real Estate Marketing
$5.00 Content | Free Short Sale Marketing | | Free Real Estate Marketing
$5.00 Content | Free Short Sale Marketing | | Free Real Estate Marketing
$5.00 Content | Free Short Sale Marketing | | Free Real Estate Marketing
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