Monday, October 8, 2012

From the Editor's Desk: Some quick thoughts ahead of MobileCON

Phil Nickinson

We're headed to sunny San Diego this week -- one of my favorite new cities -- for the fall CTIA event. The past several years it's been called CTIA "Enterprise and Applications," which pretty much was exactly what it sounded like. Put it this way -- it's no CES or MWC, that's for sure.

The fall event has been rebranded "MobileCON," which basically can mean anything the wireless industry organization wants it to. On the other hand, with bullet points like "Enterprise Industry Spotlight" and a keynote address form the BlackBerry CIO and a U.S. Air Force IT type, it's pretty safe to say we're still knee-deep in enterprise here.

Anyhoo, we'll be bringing it all to you this week.

A few other thoughts to get things going:

  • Speaking of CTIA, that means the Samsung Stratosphere turns 1. And it's having growing pains.
  • Nexus rumors sure are exciting, aren't they! Know what really excites me, though? What really tickles my fancy? Facts. I'm funny like that.
  • Even less exciting is seeing rumor reports hedged to within the last inch of their life. Either own the rumor, or don't publish it. Hedging is such sweet bullshit.
  • Is there a dearth of actual devices to cover or something? Did I miss the memo?
  • How much of these next-Android-version rumors are simply rehashed from what Google told us was coming at Google IO developer conference this summer? I've got some videos to watch again.
  • Why do we act like it's so surprising to see a new version of Android starting to peek out? It's not like work suddenly stopped and nobody was told, was it?
  • I'm all about getting a 32- or 64-gigabyte Nexus 7 tablet. (Or any other device for that matter.) That's not to say there's not a place in this world for cloud-storage-centric devices. I think it comes down to personal usage. I'm in airplanes a lot. I need local storage. I need both, actually, but I need the choice.
  • It was nice to actually podcast two weeks in a row. Forgot how much fun that can be. We don't make money on them. Hell, they cost money, and they're time-consuming. But they're also a lot of fun. And we're about to pass 2.5 million downloads, which just floors me.
  • And if you didn't catch the end of this past week's podcast ...
  • Plague Inc. is fun, and I'm surprised the prospect of ending all human life on Earth didn't bother me in the slightest. But it seems to be another one of those games that's trying just a little too hard for the in-app purchases. This sucker's tough.

That's it for today. See ya'll from San Diego.


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