Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Termite damage in southern Louisiana - Dugas Pest Control

Termites are perhaps the most expensive pests we face in the pest control industry and are responsible for billions of dollars in damage each year here in the United States.? And unfortunately, here in Louisiana we have our fair share of termites. In fact, according to the LSU Ag Center Formosan subterranean termites cause $500 million in damage annually in Louisiana alone.

Louisiana?s warm and humid climate is favorable for termites.? Add to that the abundance of water sources, forests and older homes and you have everything termites need to survive.

Where are termites found?

Termite infestations can be found almost anywhere in our area including homes as well as commercial or industrial sites. These tough pests can also be found in dead trees, shrubs and even agricultural crops. They can be found infesting a structure where a food source is present, or as a swarm during the morning hours or at night.

These factors make termite control a critical service when it comes to protecting our local homes and businesses.


What termites live in Louisiana?

There are three major types of termites in Louisiana:

  • Native subterranean termite
  • Formosan termite
  • Dry wood termite



However, Louisiana homes and buildings sustain more damage from Formosan termites than in any other state in America. In states like Louisiana where termites are very active and widespread, it is essential to maintain an effective termite prevention and control program . If you own a home in Louisiana, talk to a Dugas Pest Control expert about methods to help protect your home from termite infestations and damage.

Why do termites flourish in Louisiana?

Due to the tropical climates of Louisiana, the warmth and humidity attract many species of insects. Termites especially like to swarm to Louisiana during most of the year; with different species arriving at different times of the year in Louisiana there is almost never a time when termites are not entering the State.

According to Termite Infestation Probability Zones (TIP Zones), Louisiana is located in TIP Zone #1 (very heavy), which means the potential for termite damage is considered significant. Areas with higher probabilities for termite activity require more termite control measures to meet International Residential Code building standards for new homes than areas with less frequent activity.

Dugas Pest Control Services in Louisiana

If you are concerned you have termites in your Louisiana home, or do not have a preventative service, it is urgent that you call Dugas Pest Control as soon as possible. In order to minimize damage, it is recommended that you contact someone within the first 24 hours of identifying a possible termite infestation due to their rapid reproduction cycle. By calling immediately you can help prevent further contamination across Baton Rouge and Louisiana and also potentially save thousands of dollars of damage to your home.

Photo Credits:


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