Saturday, June 30, 2012

Astronauts Prepare For Departure

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This is SCIENCE FRIDAY. I'm Ira Flatow. This weekend, three members of the crew onboard the International Space Station will be returning to Earth after over six months in orbit. Flora Lichtman had a chance to chat with some of them, and she's here with us. Hi, Flora.

FLORA LICHTMAN, BYLINE: Hi, Ira. That's right, just another day at SCIENCE FRIDAY, calling space.


LICHTMAN: We linked up with the station yesterday morning and had a quick chat with a few of the flight engineers as they zoomed 200 miles above the Earth.

Station, this is National Public Radio. How do you hear me?

DON PETTIT: NPR, we hear you loud and clear.

LICHTMAN: I hear you guys loud and clear, too. It's better than my cell phone connection. So Expedition 31 flight engineers Joe Acaba, Andre Kuipers and Don Pettit, thanks for talking to us from space today. Don Petit and Andre Kuipers, you've been there I think about six months now. Are you ready to come home, or does it feel like you've just gotten there?

ANDRE KUIPERS: Well, actually, I think I'm ready because I'd like to see the family again. That's a long period. But there's so much things to see, so much things to do that I would love - in that sense, I would love to stay longer, or better to come back here. It would be great here sort of two, three weeks a year, as a holiday after this. So it's a fantastic place.

And I have to go back, but I'd like to come back, too.

PETTIT: And I just ran out of vitamin supplements, so I figured it's time for me to go home.

LICHTMAN: Don Pettit, walk us through how you'll get back to our planet this weekend.

PETTIT: We will get in our Soyuz spacecraft and under the command of Oleg Kononenko, and Andre Kuipers will be flight engineer one or board engineer one, and I'm board engineer two. And we work together to get this spacecraft back home, starting off with undocking.

We start off, we get inside, the close the hatch, we have to do a leak check, make sure the hatches don't leak. And then we strap in and undock, and then we do a de-orbit burn. And then as we hit the atmosphere, the spacecraft separates so that only the descent module comes through the atmosphere in one piece.

And then our parachute comes out, and we go thump, roll, roll on the steppes of Kazakhstan.

LICHTMAN: That is amazing. What is the Centaur garment that I read about?

PETTIT: Oh, the Kentaver. The Kentaver, think of it as Spandex on steroids.


PETTIT: And it's this tight garment that just goes around. It's like a pair of boxer shorts for your waist area, and then you have another Spandex thing that goes around your calf. And then when you wear this medical harness, you kind of look like you walked from the scene of "Gladiator."

And then - and what this does is it keeps the lower part of your body from getting bloated with all the water running downhill after we've returned to Earth. So it has a medical purpose to it.

LICHTMAN: Not your everyday Spanx, I guess. Joe Acaba, Andre Kuipers, you've been studying the human condition in space. Have you found any differences in how our bodies behave in weightlessness?

JOE ACABA: Well, I think there's a lot of different things that happen to us while we're up here. Of course, you're all familiar with the fluid shift, and when you say astronauts have big heads, it's really - it's a physical feature that we have while we're up here.

But the body, it's amazing to me, I've been here for about a month now, how quickly you do adapt to being up in space, and after just a few days, it's just a natural environment to be in.

LICHTMAN: Really? What about your senses? Do you find that when you drop things, you still look down, or do you acclimate to no gravity?

KUIPERS: Well, we get used to it, but it's still sometimes troublesome, if you lose something, how to find it back also because you tend to focus on the walls and the floors, and it may just be floating just in front of it, and you might just miss it. It's amazing how you can look around for something which is right in front of you.

So that's still going on, and I think our brain has a hard time to deal with the three dimensions, but we are - we are careful to prevent it. So everything we have, we fix it with Velcro, with tape, with Bungee cords. So we are pretty good in preventing to lose something.

LICHTMAN: You know, one of our favorite topics on SCIENCE FRIDAY are the microbes that live in and on us. I wonder, have you guys looked at how microbes respond to space or if the same microorganisms live with us when we're in - when you're on Space Station?

PETTIT: You know, I think the microbes are with us whether we like it or not. And as far as I know, the behavior of a single microbe in weightlessness is probably close to what it is in gravity. What may be different would be cultures. If you had a tank of fluid filled with some kind of microbes, they may clump in the absence of gravitational-driven buoyancy forces. They may clump in a manner that's different than the same culture growing on Earth.

So there may be some interesting three-dimensional structure in colonies of microorganisms, and that in itself may affect the way the colony grows as a whole. So you bring up an interesting question. Maybe that could be a future Saturday Morning Science.

LICHTMAN: I hope so. So about a month ago, we watched you guys capture the Dragon, and actually we literally watched you capture the Dragon, we huddled around this computer in the SCIENCE FRIDAY office. And you made it look just effortless. But how was it for you? Was it a stressful day in the office?

PETTIT: I think you can call it a stressful day in the office. It's something that we'd practiced for. And we practiced 27 different ways with 27 different kinds of malfunctions and what happens if A happens, do we do B, and if B doesn't work, we do C and so on and so forth.

And personally, I was happy everything was nominal. When you're working in a frontier like this, you don't want to be a hero where you jump up and save the day. You'd rather have everything be nominal so that nobody has to be a hero and save the day. And fortunately, that's the way Dragon turned out.

And it turned out that way primarily because of all the hard work and folks on the ground that had sharpened their pencils and done a really good job of the engineering.

LICHTMAN: We heard a lot about Dragon, but where there other events that happened in Space Station, another top event that you think should have gotten more due that we haven't heard about as much?

PETTIT: Well, we're doing a lot of fascinating science, and sometimes that doesn't get as much headline news as the single events. And I think one of the reasons why is that science in the process of being made isn't necessarily exciting. In fact, some people might call it boring. If you're sitting in front of a piece of scientific equipment, maybe a glove box, and, you know, your hands are poking in there, and maybe you scratch your nose every so often with your shoulder because you can't - because your hands are in the glove box. And, you know, someone watching you do that is just going to be bored, but the science that's going on in the glove box may be really, really exciting.

And so when the documentary is made in 10 years, the professional journalists and actors will be able to make it exciting. But the course of a real scientist doing real science, I think it's pretty dry.

LICHTMAN: Oh Don, I think you do a pretty good job, to my mind. So I wondered, are there - were there challenges to living in Space Station that you hadn't foreseen, or did this experience test you in ways that you didn't expect, maybe?

ACABA: Yeah, I think there's a lot of challenges up here, and I think you really notice it at the end of the day, when you're really, really tired. Like Andre was saying before, you always have to be aware of things that might float away. If you're working a procedure, you don't want to miss a step that could be critical that could break some equipment.

And so everything you do from when you wake up in the morning, and you have breakfast, to using the bathroom, to the procedures you use all day, it is really, really tiring, and I think that's one of the biggest things that I noticed since I've been up here.

LICHTMAN: I think we have just a little under a minute left, so maybe as a quick, quick ender, are there qualities that you would identify for a long-term mission now that you've spent so much time up in space?

PETTIT: Yes, what I would do is, any perspective crew member, I would go and look in their garage, and if their garage is a mess, a hodgepodge, then that would be an automatic disqualifier. If their garage is nice and neat, then you know that they are going to be able to take care of all the equipment on Space Station and put everything away in its proper place.

LICHTMAN: Thank you so much, Expedition 31 flight engineers Joe Acaba, Andre Kuipers and Don Pettit. Thank you for talking to us on SCIENCE FRIDAY from the International Space Station today.

PETTIT: It's been a pleasure. Bye now. SCIENCE FRIDAY is one of my favorite NPR stations.

LICHTMAN: Oh, thank you, Don, and safe trip back to Earth.

JACK FISCHER: Thank you, National Public Radio Station. We're now resuming operational audio communications. And Don, I just cleaned my garage last week.

LICHTMAN: That last voice, by the way, was - the guy who had just cleaned his garage, was the voice of astronaut Jack Fischer, and he was acting as CAPCOM in Mission Control Houston that day.


FLATOW: That garage test eliminates me.

LICHTMAN: Absolutely, as if I didn't need more elimination, that would be it.


FLATOW: Well, it's not the Kentaver that we're - without those as the SCIENCE FRIDAY official garments, but the garage test.

LICHTMAN: Another thing I don't think I'd want to wear.

FLATOW: Thank you, Flora. We're going to take a break, and when we come back, we're going to have a memorial to a famous resident of the Galapagos, but let's talk a little bit more about that conversation. They seem to be eager to get home, and I would think after six months in space, I'd want to get home also, you know?

LICHTMAN: That was my first question because I was like I bet after six months, you're not itching to do six more, and it did sound like they were ready. I think - you know, it's close quarters with all those roommates. That alone would make me crazy after that long.

FLATOW: Yeah, you know, you've got to be the right - they go through all these tests, right profile, psychological profile and everything.

LICHTMAN: I think you have to be pretty easygoing.

FLATOW: But the one final test I would not be able pass is the garage test.

LICHTMAN: The garage test, thank you to Don Pettit for pointing that one out to us.


FLATOW: All right, take a break. As I said before, we'll come back and talk about a famous memorial to a famous resident of the Galapagos, Lonesome George, and I don't mean that old comedian George Gobel, this one's a tortoise. We'll talk about when we get back. Stay with us.


FLATOW: I'm Ira Flatow, this is SCIENCE FRIDAY from NPR.


FLATOW: I'm Ira Flatow, this is SCIENCE FRIDAY from NPR.

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Japan whistleblower wins in Supreme Court

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TOKYO (AP) - Japan's Supreme Court has ruled in favor of a whistleblower, dismissing the appeal of his employer Olympus Corp.

Masaharu Hamada said he received the notice from the nation's highest court Saturday for the decision dated Thursday.

Hamada's Supreme Court victory is the first for a whistleblower in Japan. It highlights the harsh treatment whistleblowers endure in a nation that zealously values corporate loyalty.

Hamada sued Tokyo-based camera and medical equipment maker Olympus in 2008. He said he relayed a supplier's complaint that its best employees were being lured away by Olympus and then he was transferred as punishment.

Last year, the Tokyo High Court reversed an earlier district court decision and ordered Olympus to pay Hamada 2.2 million yen ($28,000) in damages for the transfer. Olympus had appealed.

Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Reservations will only last a day. I want to start as soon as possible.

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Any certain age range?

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Well they will probably be drinking so I would say youngest is 21

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I'd like to reserve a girl please :) just tell me when I could post my character sheet if I'm accepted.

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I think I might submit a female character. What kind of romance is allowed? Is it only heterosexual romance?

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I Was wondering the same thing as Cheza... I'm gonna wait for an answer before I put a charcter in.

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Youngest is twenty-one?

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Fears, hopes grow for Sony under new president

TOKYO (AP) ? The record 9,000 shareholders that packed Sony's annual meeting was no cause for celebration. After four years of losses and a halving of the share price, some angry investors doubt even a new CEO can pull the entertainment and electronics giant out of its slump.

The questions for management at a Tokyo convention hall this week were familiar ones, but only growing harsher. How is Sony Corp. going to regain its past glory? Is Sony finished? When is the red ink ever going to stop?

One man got up and began shouting. One by one, shareholders demanded to know why management didn't have more fresh faces, asked if the quality of Sony products was dropping, and even wondered whether Sony faced the risk of total collapse.

Once an icon of Japan Inc. with its portable Walkman music player and Trinitron TV, Sony reported the worst loss in its 66-year corporate history for the business year ended March with red ink of 457 billion yen ($5.7 billion). Profitability was battered by factors outside Sony's control such as last year's tsunami disaster in northeastern Japan, flooding in Thailand, the global economic slowdown and a soaring yen.

But most critically, Sony stumbled in the face of powerful, often cheaper, rivals such as South Korea's Samsung Electronics Co., which dominates the global TV market. Sony has lost money for eight straight years in its TV business. Sony's glamor image is fading next to Apple Inc.'s iPod, iPhone and iPad, now bigger hits not only globally but also in Sony's Japanese home market, displaying the kind of ingenuity that was once prized as Sony's.

"We take the problem Sony's electronics business is facing very seriously, and we feel a sense of crisis," said Kazuo Hirai, the former head of Sony's game division who has taken over as CEO and president from Howard Stringer.

Decades ago, Sony co-founder Akio Morita was praised as a pioneer in unifying entertainment with technology to deliver dazzling fun gadgets such as the Walkman. He was a hero, helping fix Japan from wartime devastation, and catapulting a nation's technological wizardry to the global stage. Steve Jobs often sung the praises of Sony.

The company seemed to mirror and exemplify Japan's own rise as an economic and manufacturing power. Then something started going wrong. Critics often point to Sony's miscalculation of the strength of its digital music players over the last decade as a telling sign it had lost its way. Although Sony had developed digital music players early on, it failed to woo users by sticking to an unpopular proprietary format and not working on compatibility with the widespread MP3 format.

Now Sony's repeated promises of a revival have worn thin and are met with skepticism.

Stringer, who stepped down as CEO in April, pleaded with investors to support Hirai to carry out initiatives under the slogan of "One Sony." It's a strategy of removing barriers between the Tokyo-based manufacturer's sprawling divisions that span electronics, movies, music, banking and games so they all work better together.

But as soon as he stopped speaking, one stockholder asked why Stringer, who had hand-picked Hirai as his replacement, was staying on as chairman when Sony's performance had been so dismal under his seven-year tenure.

Hirai is promising to focus on image technology exemplified in sensors, broadcasting equipment and digital cameras to bring back Sony, but it faces competition from Samsung there as well.

"Japan excels in that core technology," Osamu Kumamoto, director at Asahi Electronics Co. of Japan, which offers image and robotics services, said at a recent manufacturing convention in Tokyo. "But Samsung is very advanced, too."

Hirai is also banking on games, the sector he knows best, having led Sony's U.S. game operations since 2006.

Sony has long faced tough competition from Nintendo Co. and Microsoft Corp. which makes the popular PlayStation machine. But the popularity of the iPhone and other devices that also offer games means Sony will increasingly be threatened by a host of electronics makers.

Still, Hirai departed from the line of his predecessors and didn't stress Sony's prowess in TVs. He only promised to stop the red ink.

Under Hirai, Sony has ended its joint venture in liquid crystal displays for TVs with Samsung to boost profitability. Sony fell behind in flat panel TVs and invested in a Samsung panel factory in 2004, to ensure a steady supply for LCD TVs.

Koichiro Hagiwara, senior analyst at Tokai Tokyo Research Center, said Hirai might be able to make a difference because of his understanding of entertainment and gadgetry.

"People have said the long promised synergy between software and hardware is a ghost that no one has ever seen," said Hagiwara. "But if anyone can make it real, it's Hirai."

Hirai is also promising to strengthen Sony's smartphone offerings, taking full control over its joint venture with Swedish telecommunications company Ericsson.

He has already said the company will cut 10,000 jobs, or about 6 percent of its global workforce. The job cuts come on top of a couple of rounds of layoffs under Stringer.

Hirai declined to detail upcoming products, saying that must be kept secret to stay competitive. But he acknowledged cost cuts, regrouping and promises won't be enough to revive Sony.

"We need to make sure our customers are moved by our products. We need to pique their curiosity," he told shareholders. "I want our shareholders to feel that Sony has changed."

Sony shares have lost about half their value over the past year to trade recently at about 1,000 yen ($12).

The changes at Sony underline a bigger shift in Japanese electronics to expand into businesses that sell to other businesses, rather than consumers.

There is speculation Sony will tie up with Japan's scandal-tainted Olympus Corp., which boasts a strong medical equipment division. Hirai declined comment on Olympus, but reiterated Sony wants to strengthen its medical business.

Panasonic Corp., which also suffered record losses, is vowing to turn itself around by focusing on such "business-to-business" sectors, including solar panels and batteries for autos, although it's not exiting consumer electronics.

In a reversal of a historical rivalry made famous by the 1980s video format wars between Sony's Betamax vs. Panasonic's VHS, the two companies are joining forces to develop next-generation TV display technology called OLED, or organic light-emitting diode, panels, aiming for low-cost mass production by 2013.

Samsung is planning to start selling TVs with big OLED screens later this year. OLEDs use a different technology than liquid crystal displays and deliver very clear, vivid imagery. Sony was the first in the world to sell an OLED TV, with an 11-inch model in 2007, but it wasn't a strong seller, partly because of its small size and high price.

Despite Hirai's promises to revive Sony, Kazuo Bando, a Tokyo retailer who owns 5,000 Sony shares and was at the shareholders meeting, wasn't feeling too confident.

"The management has failed," he said. "I am worried. I lost a lot of money."


Follow Yuri Kageyama on Twitter at

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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Israel accuses Iran of anti-Semitism after drug speech

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Iranian allegations that Zionists were inciting drug trafficking and Jewish religious law called for annihilation of gentiles prompted a sharp response from Israel on Wednesday which said Iran was governed by fanatical anti-Semites.

The verbal clash highlighted festering tension in an international stand-off over Tehran's nuclear program.

A third round of nuclear talks between world powers and Iran 10 days ago failed to resolve the stalemate. With that process seemingly close to collapse, Israel renewed veiled threats of military action against Iranian nuclear production sites, which it deems a mortal threat.

While Iran and Israel have traded hostile rhetoric for years, the remarks at a United Nations global drug enforcement conference in Tehran by Vice President Mohammad Reza Rahimi seemed unusually inflammatory to Western delegates.

Speaking on Tuesday, Rahimi said the Talmud, or canon of Jewish religious law, "teaches them how to destroy non-Jews so as to protect an embryo in the womb of a Jewish mother", according to excerpts published by the Fars news agency.

He accused "Zionists", a term the Iranian government usually applies to Israelis and their Jewish supporters abroad, of inciting drug trafficking. "You cannot find a single addict among the Zionists," Rahimi said.

The New York Times, which covered the conference marking a U.N.-sponsored International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, further quoted Rahimi as saying Zionists ordered gynecologists to kill black babies and that the Russian Revolution of 1917 was started by Jews - although none, he was also quoted as saying, died in it.

The speech, for which at least 10 Western diplomats were present, drew furious condemnation from Israel, which has been angered in the past by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's description of the Nazi Holocaust as a lie.

"The fact U.N. representatives and European delegates still attend conferences in Tehran, at which the worst kind of anti-Semitism is sounded, lends legitimacy to the Iranian ayatollah regime," Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said.


Iran's government, he said in a statement, is "made up not of madmen but of fanatical, anti-Semitic people with an agenda, who have a detailed global plan including, as they say openly and forthrightly, the destruction of the State of Israel".

Widely assumed to have the Middle East's only nuclear arsenal, Israel has hinted at pre-emptive war to prevent its arch-enemy from getting the atom bomb. Iran denies having any such designs, though its often secretive nuclear program has stoked foreign suspicion and drawn increasingly tough sanctions.

Lieberman likened Iran to Hitler's Germany but said that, post-Holocaust, Israel would "not allow any Jew to be harmed".

He said the Islamic Republic, and any failure by the international community to curb its nuclear work, would be "a sure recipe for disaster and a threat to world peace".

The European Union's foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton, who leads nuclear talks with Iran on behalf of six world powers, said Rahimi's speech was anti-Semitic and "unacceptable".

"(Ashton) is deeply disturbed by racist and anti-Semitic statements made by Iranian First Vice-President Mohammad Reza Rahimi," spokeswoman Maja Kocijanic said.

"Such statements are unacceptable and should not be tolerated," she said.

A Western diplomat who was at the conference said Rahimi's 10-minute address left him "really shocked and surprised".

"We've heard speeches like this before but this was so much worse than the usual rhetoric. This wasn't about drugs. It seems the Iranians want to create an issue and are deliberately looking to stir things up," the diplomat told Reuters on condition of anonymity.

Israel reacted to the latest fruitless nuclear talks between six world powers and Iran with a well-seasoned message - sanctions must be intensified while the clocks ticks down towards possible military action.

A high-ranking Iranian general then warned that any Israeli military strikes on Iran's nuclear program would bring about the collapse of the Jewish state.

No further negotiations were planned after the June 18-19 round in Moscow, and the European Union is to launch a total embargo on Iranian oil exports on July 1.

Alun Jones, spokesman for the Vienna-based United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, said UNODC attended the Tehran conference as well as related events across the world on Tuesday, as mandated by the U.N. General Assembly, and that it could not anticipate what the Iranian hosts would say.

Jones added: "The drug trade is motivated by business and profit, not by ideological considerations, and also drug addiction is a health challenge which affects all people, of all kinds, of all race, of all creed and it is a health challenge that affects people in the same way."

(Additional reporting by Marcus George in Dubai, Fredrik Dahl in Vienna and Justyna Pawlak in Brussels; Editing by Jeffrey Heller and Mark Heinrich)

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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Pentagon Floats Parachuting Robots for Disaster Relief

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[ [ [['did not go as far his colleague', 8]], '29438204', '0' ], [ [[' the 28-year-old neighborhood watchman who shot and killed', 4]], '28924649', '0' ], [ [['because I know God protects me', 14], ['Brian Snow was at a nearby credit union', 5]], '28811216', '0' ], [ [['The state news agency RIA-Novosti quoted Rosaviatsiya', 6]], '28805461', '0' ], [ [['measure all but certain to fail in the face of bipartisan', 4]], '28771014', '0' ], [ [['matter what you do in this case', 5]], '28759848', '0' ], [ [['presume laws are constitutional', 7]], '28747556', '0' ], [ [['has destroyed 15 to 25 houses', 7]], '28744868', '0' ], [ [['short answer is yes', 7]], '28746030', '0' ], [ [['opportunity to tell the real story', 7]], '28731764', '0' ], [ [['entirely respectable way to put off the searing constitutional controversy', 7]], '28723797', '0' ], [ [['point of my campaign is that big ideas matter', 9]], '28712293', '0' ], [ [['As the standoff dragged into a second day', 7]], '28687424', '0' ], [ [['French police stepped up the search', 17]], '28667224', '0' ], [ [['Seeking to elevate his candidacy back to a general', 8]], '28660934', '0' ], [ [['The tragic story of Trayvon Martin', 4]], '28647343', '0' ], [ [['Karzai will get a chance soon to express', 8]], '28630306', '0' ], [ [['powerful storms stretching', 8]], '28493546', '0' ], [ [['basic norm that death is private', 6]], '28413590', '0' ], [ [['songwriter also saw a surge in sales for her debut album', 6]], '28413590', '1', 'Watch music videos from Whitney Houston ', 'on Yahoo! Music', '' ], [ [['keyword', 99999999999999999999999]], 'videoID', '1', 'overwrite-pre-description', 'overwrite-link-string', 'overwrite-link-url' ] ]

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1 dead, 125 rescued from capsizing off Aussie isle

This June 27, 2012 photo released by Australian Maritime Safety Authority shows a boat carrying asylum seekers 200 kilometers (120 miles) north of Christmas Island in the Indian Ocean hours before capsizing Wednesday, June 27, 2012. The boat capsized Wednesday and 123 people were rescued from the ocean, Prime Minister Julia Gillard said, less than a week after more than 90 people drowned on a similar journey. (AP Photo/Australian Maritime Safety Authority)

This June 27, 2012 photo released by Australian Maritime Safety Authority shows a boat carrying asylum seekers 200 kilometers (120 miles) north of Christmas Island in the Indian Ocean hours before capsizing Wednesday, June 27, 2012. The boat capsized Wednesday and 123 people were rescued from the ocean, Prime Minister Julia Gillard said, less than a week after more than 90 people drowned on a similar journey. (AP Photo/Australian Maritime Safety Authority)

CANBERRA, Australia (AP) ? A crowded boat carrying asylum seekers to Australia capsized Wednesday and 125 survivors and one body were recovered from the Indian Ocean, less than a week after more than 90 people drowned on a similar journey.

An air and sea search was ongoing for as many as 20 people who could still be missing, the Australian Maritime Safety Authority said.

Three merchant ships that responded to the capsizing rescued 125 people, and the authority said one body was recovered. The area is midway between Christmas Island and the main Indonesian island of Java.

The authority said up to 150 men, women and children may have been on the wooden Indonesian fishing boat.

Prime Minister Julian Gillard told Parliament that two Australian warships and an air force aircraft that can drop life rafts on the sea joined the search by late Wednesday.

The area is 200 kilometers (120 miles) north of Australia's Christmas Island and 185 kilometers (115 kilometers) south of Java. The boat capsized in Indonesia's search and rescue zone but Australian authorities had raised the alarm, Australian Maritime Safety Authority spokeswoman Jo Meehan said.

The first merchant ship reached the scene more than four hours later, she said.

Last Thursday, 110 people were rescued when a boat carrying more than 200 mostly Afghan asylum seekers capsized only 24 kilometers (15 miles) from the latest tragedy. Only 17 bodies were recovered.

The survivors' refugee applications were being assessed at Christmas Island, where Australia runs an immigration detention center.

Australia is a common destination for boats carrying asylum seekers from Afghanistan, Iraq, Sri Lanka and other poor or war-torn countries.

Last week's disaster rekindled debate in Parliament on how Australia should deter asylum seekers from risking the hazardous sea journey. The government wants to send new boat arrivals to Malaysia in exchange for accepting U.N.-recognized refugees living there. The opposition won't support the legislation because Malaysia has not signed the Refugee Convention.

Associated Press

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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Court won't hear Md. redistricting challenge

[ [ [['Connery is an experienced stuntman', 2]], '', '[Slideshow: See photos taken on the way down]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['Connery is an experienced stuntman', 7]], '', '[Slideshow: Death-defying daredevils]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['know that we have confidence in', 3]], ' ', '[Related: The Secret Service guide to Cartagena]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['We picked up this other dog and', 5]], '', '[Related: 8 common dog fears, how to calm them]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['accused of running a fake hepatitis B', 5]], '', '[Related: Did WH share raid details with filmmakers?]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['accused of running a fake hepatitis B', 3]], '', '[Factbox: AQAP, al-Qaeda in Yemen]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have my contacts on or glasses', 3]], '', '[Related: Should the murder charge be dropped?]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have made this nation great as Sarah Palin', 5]], '', '[Related: Bristol Palin reality show debuts June 19]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have made this nation great as Sarah Palin', 1]], '', '[Related: McCain adviser who vetted Palin weighs in on VP race]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['A JetBlue flight from New York to Las Vegas', 3]], '', '[Related: View photos of the JetBlue plane in Amarillo]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['the 28-year-old neighborhood watchman who shot and killed', 15]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP', ], [ [['He was in shock and still strapped to his seat', 6]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP', ], [ [['xxxxxxxxxxxx', 11]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP', ] ]

[ [ [['did not go as far his colleague', 8]], '29438204', '0' ], [ [[' the 28-year-old neighborhood watchman who shot and killed', 4]], '28924649', '0' ], [ [['because I know God protects me', 14], ['Brian Snow was at a nearby credit union', 5]], '28811216', '0' ], [ [['The state news agency RIA-Novosti quoted Rosaviatsiya', 6]], '28805461', '0' ], [ [['measure all but certain to fail in the face of bipartisan', 4]], '28771014', '0' ], [ [['matter what you do in this case', 5]], '28759848', '0' ], [ [['presume laws are constitutional', 7]], '28747556', '0' ], [ [['has destroyed 15 to 25 houses', 7]], '28744868', '0' ], [ [['short answer is yes', 7]], '28746030', '0' ], [ [['opportunity to tell the real story', 7]], '28731764', '0' ], [ [['entirely respectable way to put off the searing constitutional controversy', 7]], '28723797', '0' ], [ [['point of my campaign is that big ideas matter', 9]], '28712293', '0' ], [ [['As the standoff dragged into a second day', 7]], '28687424', '0' ], [ [['French police stepped up the search', 17]], '28667224', '0' ], [ [['Seeking to elevate his candidacy back to a general', 8]], '28660934', '0' ], [ [['The tragic story of Trayvon Martin', 4]], '28647343', '0' ], [ [['Karzai will get a chance soon to express', 8]], '28630306', '0' ], [ [['powerful storms stretching', 8]], '28493546', '0' ], [ [['basic norm that death is private', 6]], '28413590', '0' ], [ [['songwriter also saw a surge in sales for her debut album', 6]], '28413590', '1', 'Watch music videos from Whitney Houston ', 'on Yahoo! Music', '' ], [ [['keyword', 99999999999999999999999]], 'videoID', '1', 'overwrite-pre-description', 'overwrite-link-string', 'overwrite-link-url' ] ]

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Twisting light to send data at dramatically increased speeds maybe used to build high-speed satellite communication links or be adapted for use in the fiber optic cables that are used by some Internet service providers. (Credit: "optical fiber" via Shutterstock)

USC (US) ? Twisted beams of light are able to transmit more than 85,000 times more data per second than broadband cable, a new study shows.

The work might be used to build high-speed satellite communication links, short free-space terrestrial links, or potentially be adapted for use in the fiber optic cables that are used by some Internet service providers.

?You?re able to do things with light that you can?t do with electricity,? says Alan Willner, electrical engineering professor at the University of Southern California. ?That?s the beauty of light; it?s a bunch of photons that can be manipulated in many different ways at very high speed.?

As reported in the journal Nature Photonics, Willner and an international team of researchers used beam-twisting ?phase holograms? to manipulate eight beams of light so that each one twisted in a DNA-like helical shape as it propagated in free space.? Each of the beams had its own individual twist and can be encoded with ?1? and ?0? data bits, making each an independent data stream?much like separate channels on your radio.

Their demonstration transmitted the data over open space in a lab, attempting to simulate the sort of communications that might occur between satellites in space. Among the next steps for the research field will be to advance how it can be adapted for use in fiber optics, like those frequently used to transmit data over the Internet.

The team?s work builds on research done by Leslie Allen, Anton Zeilinger, Miles Padgett, and their colleagues at several European universities. ?We didn?t invent the twisting of light, but we took the concept and ramped it up to a terabit-per-second,? Willner says.

Jian Wang, the lead author, left USC after completing this research and is now a professor at the Huazhong University of Science and Technology in China.

Researchers from the US, China, Pakistan, and Israel contributed to the research that was funded by the Defense Advance Research Projects Agency (DARPA) under the InPho (Information in a Photon) program.

More news from USC:

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Continuing Personal Development

Personal development is an ongoing process as a popular saying goes, ?He who stops learning starts dying?. As you improve on one aspect of your life, there are tons of other aspects to keep developing?it is a never-ending process which only ends at death. Gratefully, continuous personal development is an investment that yields valuable returns in form of fame, honor, prestige, riches and more.

Throughout lifetime, an individual who is mindful of self development and growth will continue to seek avenue to enhance different aspects of life such as the following;

  • Reaching new career goals

  • Overall health improvement

  • Improving interpersonal relationships

  • Becoming a better parent

  • Learning to be organized

  • Time management skills enhancement

  • Communication skills enhancement

  • ?the list is simply inexhaustible.

Modes of Continuing Personal Development

Both present and ongoing personal development is pursued in different modes. Here are the most common and effective ways of learning things that are applicable to our individual chosen areas of personal development;


Valuable Books

?The world of books is the most remarkable creation of man;


nothing else that he builds ever lasts. Monuments fall; nations perish;


civilizations grow old and die out. After an era of darkness, new races


build others; but in the world of books are volumes that live on, still as young


and fresh as the day they were written, still telling men?s hearts of the hearts


of men centuries dead.? ~~ Clarence Day.


What else can be added to the powerful quote above, it has said it all, fully reflecting the value of books in the making of men and in the course of journey to greatness. Those who will faithfully use valuable books and materials along the line of self development will always stand out among their peers and in their generation. There is virtually no aspect of life that has not been covered in books, it is only those who are lazy to read that information on books are hidden from.


Seminars and Conferences

Seminars and conferences are another great mode of pursuing personal development. At seminars and conferences, men and women who had gone through the same course of personal development and have achieved results, come to deliver the keys to their successes to those who would care to listen and apply the information. People who are serious with their personal development wouldn?t mind paying great fee to participate in conferences and seminars put together by highly knowledgeable men.



One-on-one self development effort is one of the most effective ways of seeking meaningful self development. In a mentor and mentee relationship, the mentor pours himself/herself into the mentee in order to impart the values that the mentee desires to learn. The mentor is usually someone who has mastery in the line of self development that the mentee seeks. Mentorship extends to all spheres of life ? career, spiritual and others.


Also, different institutions of learning are equally modes of pursuing self development.


Nik Halik is an Inspirational Keynote Speaker, Life Strategist, Successful Entrepreneur, Astronaut and Best Selling Author.




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Monday, June 25, 2012

Stocks fall sharply as EU summit hopes wane

A look at why the markets are moving lower ahead of Europe's summit, and why the big investors are moving to U.S. Treasury bonds, with Todd Colvin, R.J. O'Brien interest rate products.

By news services

U.S. stocks tumbled at the opening of trading, following global markets lower after Spain requested help for its struggling banks.

The Dow Jones industrial average is down 145 points to 12,497 shortly after the opening bell Monday.

The Standard & Poor's 500 index fell 18 points to 1,317 and the Nasdaq composite lost 40 points to 2,853.

Spain isn't saying how much of the 100 billion euros made available by the European Union that it will need. The request comes just ahead of a critical European economic summit in Brussels.

Investors have been losing faith that Europe will act quickly to address the financial problems at countries most at risk.

European markets are sharply lower. Stocks are down 3 percent in Spain and Italy.

Markets continue to react to European headlines as the spiraling debt crisis in Europe could further hurt an already weak global economy. Austerity measures pushed forward by Germany have Greece mired in a long recession, and investors worry Spain could follow Greece's path as Madrid's borrowing costs remain stubbornly high.

A German government spokesman said the EU will probably not take any decisions on Greece in a summit scheduled for Thursday and Friday, in which Greeks were hoping to ease the terms of their bailout.

"There's a sense the EU summit is going to be inconclusive, so we're seeing risk assets fall," said Peter Cardillo, chief market economist at Rockwell Global Capital in New York.

Cardillo said the market will focus this week on Europe, but the lagging fear is a stalling global economy.

"The European situation is just a big excuse. If, all of a sudden, we see economic growth in Asia and the United States, Europe would be a secondary deal for the market and not the focus."

U.S. stocks ended higher on Friday, led by gains in bank shares, as the S&P 500 index bounced back from its second-worst decline of the year. The gains were not enough, however, to push indexes into positive territory for the week.

The Associated Press and Reuters contributed to this report.

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